A nice list to find myself on: The world's top 100 global influencers in knowledge management
Very happy to find my name as #75 on the list of the world's top 100 global influencers in knowledge management! Even nicer to see that I am joined (and in most cases precluded) by a lot of dear fellow colleagues from the international development sector, in particular from the KM4Dev network (the Twitter account of which is itself at position #27). Waving in particular to my UN colleagues @ithorpe (#12), @gaurisalokhe (#15), @rsamii (#40) and @johanlammers (#45), as well as other friends in the development community who feature prominently on the list and from the professional insights and colleagueship of which I benefit tremendously.
The list has been compiled and published by the Mindtouch Blog, which frequently features lists of top influencers of different business areas based on a particular Twitter hashtag (in this case #KM). You can access the full list of the top 100 influencers for #KM here.
The list has been compiled and published by the Mindtouch Blog, which frequently features lists of top influencers of different business areas based on a particular Twitter hashtag (in this case #KM). You can access the full list of the top 100 influencers for #KM here.