The pitfalls of crowd-sourcing: We might not like what the crowd tells us
I am excited to see more and more initiatives that tap into
the wisdom of corporate or public crowds to shape priorities for specific
policy agendas.
Let me highlight a few aspects that are of importance in particular when using approaches that involve crowdsourced suggestions and a system of voting on those suggestions in order to identify priorities.
Points 3 and 4 are much more difficult to manage, because - as with any democratic mechanism - asking for a vote does not always mean we are fond of what receives the most votes. And arguably, neither an organization that seeks for input on its own agenda, nor the heads of state within an inter-governmental process are technically obliged to follow the vote of the constituencies they asked for their opinions. However, if one has chosen to go down the path of asking people for their input, there is a certain responsibility that comes with it. And once we go into prioritization of specific suggestions over others, there are a few things we have to keep in mind:
Keep the conversation going
Just recently, different units in my organization called on
staff to submit ideas how to improve their business processes, and let all
colleagues vote on them to determine which idea would get most traction and support.
This is a great way to improve organizational efficiency while involving those
affected by change in an actual change process.
At the same time, the success of the Rio Dialogues showed how crowdsourcing
policy recommendations and public voting on them can increase legitimacy of
inter-governmental negotiations. This new
model of public engagement during a United Nations summit received praise
from participants as the “the most inclusive process in the history of global summits”
(Josette Sheeran, VP of the World Economic Forum), and opened the door for
similar approaches in defining the successors of the Milliennium Development in
the Post-2015 process (see also
Jamie Drummonds TED
talk on crowdsourcing the Post-2015 agenda).
I find this new momentum towards open government and
democratization of political as well as organizational processes extremely
encouraging. However, while embarking on this journey towards bottom-up
participation and openness, it is important that we understand exactly the
conditions under which this can work - and under which it might not.
Why is it a good
thing to open up agenda setting to crowd-sourced suggestions and voting?
Let me highlight a few aspects that are of importance in particular when using approaches that involve crowdsourced suggestions and a system of voting on those suggestions in order to identify priorities.
First, why is it a good thing to open up agenda setting to
crowdsourced suggestions and voting? Here are what I consider the most
important benefits:
- Participation: By giving people a voice, they get engaged in the process, reflect on issues and contribute to them, rather than being on the mere recipient end of a process.
- Innovation: By providing an open space for any kind of contribution, the crowd often comes up with out-of-the box ideas that an expert group might otherwise have never thought of.
- Prioritization: By giving people a vote, we are finding out what is most important to them, vs. what might be most important to those who have the task of setting an agenda.
- Buy-in: By appreciating the vote of the crowd on following up on suggestions that most people identify with, we create buy-in for the process and increase the likelihood of successful implementation.
The benefits of point 1 and 2 are relatively easy to achieve.
The 1.3 million public votes
that were received on the recommendations of the Rio Dialogues clearly
showed that the public was willing to provide their opinion, and also the call
for ideas among staff receives ample attention. People usually really like to
be asked for their opinion.
If you ask people for
their opinion, you have to mean it
Points 3 and 4 are much more difficult to manage, because - as with any democratic mechanism - asking for a vote does not always mean we are fond of what receives the most votes. And arguably, neither an organization that seeks for input on its own agenda, nor the heads of state within an inter-governmental process are technically obliged to follow the vote of the constituencies they asked for their opinions. However, if one has chosen to go down the path of asking people for their input, there is a certain responsibility that comes with it. And once we go into prioritization of specific suggestions over others, there are a few things we have to keep in mind:
- Communicate how suggestions are selected. It is important to communicate very clearly to the users how the final selected
suggestions (the winners) will be selected. Otherwise everyone is expecting that
the whole process works like an election in which automatically the suggestions
with the most votes will be honored, and users will be put off once they find
out that this is not the case. The selection process needs to be formulated and
presented in a transparent way (e.g. by explaining who is in the selection panel,
by what criteria are proposals selected, what are no-go conditions, etc.).
- Avoid cherry-picking. The more the picked winners deviate from actual results of the vote, the less
buy-in we will get on those picked suggestions. It might be tempting for governments
or managers of organizations to pick suggestions that match most what they want
to do anyway, no matter how many votes the suggestions received. However, it
cannot be overstated that picking a suggestion as a winner that nobody
identifies with will have no positive change management effect. In fact, it is
likely to increase the perception that those in charge of formulating the agenda
are just cherry-picking what they like for themselves, which creates a sense of
disempowerment we need to avoid in any participative process.
- Don’t distort suggestions
when clustering. Often we will have to aggregate different suggestions into one in order to
capture a cluster of submissions. When doing so we need to be very careful not
to distort the original meaning of a suggestion. Otherwise we can face a situation
in which e.g. a suggestion that receives a lot of votes is
stripped off the very points that made it a popular suggestion in the first
place, just so it can fit within a bigger cluster of suggestions. Even when
idea is acknowledge, for the person submitting the original popular
suggestion, seeing one’s own idea promoted in a distorted manner can be disempowering
as well.
- You have to follow up. No excuses.. No matter how great the participation was, and how well the final prioritized agenda reflects what the crowd wanted, if we don’t actually commit to following up on this agenda, we can destroy all the work we’ve done. If we open up a process that promises to take the views of the people we asked to contribute seriously (no matter if it is staff in an organization or the public in a process like the Rio Dialogues), we have to mean it and follow through. Otherwise the group in charge of the agenda loses all legitimacy, as well as the trust it needs to engage its constituency for implementing any changes in the future. The result will be resignation and reluctance to contribute to any similar exercises next time around: We’ve been asked for our opinion in the past, but nothing was done, so why should I care now?
Keep the conversation going
Finally, when presenting the winning
proposals, it is important to maintain a follow-up discussion on those results
and the process in general, where users can raise their concerns and also make
further suggestions on how the proposals can be implemented down the road. Presenting
a prioritized agenda based on crowdsourced suggestions is only the starting point
of a participative change process. Whatever happens after that should happen
with full participation of the crowd as well.