We are both underestimating and overestimating the dynamics of Artificial Intelligence for KM: My 2 cents featured in the updated Agenda Knowledge for Development (K4D)

Today the Knowledge for Development Partnership (K4D) initiative released an updated version of the ' Agenda Knowledge for Development ', which formulates 14 "knowledge goals" meant to supplement the UN's Sustainable Development Goals and strengthen the Agenda 2030 from a Knowledge Management perspective. The updated version includes one added Goal 14 ‘The arts and culture are central to knowledge societies', as well as 57 added statements (in addition to the 73 statements in the previous edition) from knowledge management practitioners in development across the world, including my own. I've already shared on this blog my reflections on the role that I believe Artificial Intelligence will play in Knowledge Management in the coming years , and I've re-iterated my view on this in my statement for K4D which is now featured under Part II of this document (page 84), "Statements on Knowledge for Development" next to the statements from 130...