Figuring out where to begin: How to do KM for a start-up business unit (Part 3)
Following my earlier posts on my
assignment with the Sub-Regional Response Facility for Syria in Amman, Jordan, where
we identified the general directions for KM for this business unit, here are now
the details of the KM plan that I introduced, based on our earlier needs
1. An Online Collaboration Space for the Facility, targeted
at the Regional Working Group and invited guests
To support of the Facility’s role as a broker, the creation of an
online collaboration space hosted by the Sub-Regional Facility will allow the
team to provide an online home for the Regional UNDG Working Group for the Arab
States/MENA to share draft papers and relevant resources on an ongoing basis. Even
more it creates a space to discuss questions and collect comments from colleagues
on the Facility’s ongoing work. In the spirit of ‘working out loud’ we will
also invite a number of selected colleagues from all UNDG agencies into this
2. Establishment of a UNDG-wide Community of Practice on
Resilience-Based Development, including selected guests from academia
A key element of the Facility’s broker function
is fostering a Community of Practice of colleagues working
on resilience in context of humanitarian and development work. The Facility will use
the above space as a launch pad for e-discussions and ad-hoc queries and benefit
from the input of UN colleagues. A first formal e-discussion on
vulnerability criteria has already taken place in December 2013, and the Facility
will reach out to selected experts in the field of resilience, humanitarian
work, local governance, etc., followed by additional discussions and surveys
among the new community members in 2014.
3. Mapping of stakeholders for research on resilience and partners
for engagement on Resilience-Based Development
In order to identify relevant stakeholders that the Facility can
engage and work with in its role as a knowledge broker, a knowledge mapping
exercise is recommended. This will be targeted at two levels:
- Mapping of potential members for the above Community of Practice on Resilience-Based Development for Syria.
- Mapping of stakeholders for collaboration on research, innovation and substantive projects outside the UN system.
4. Exploration of
organizing social innovation camps in Jordan, Lebanon and/or Turkey to identify
and prototype e-governance solutions for a priority issue (e.g. local services)
UNDP’ experience in the Europe & CIS region suggests that there
is great potential in bringing together citizens, local actors and innovative
NGOs and companies to identify innovative solutions to local issues that would
benefit from the UN’s support in prototyping, testing and scaling up. This can
include the Social
Innovation Camp methodology and could also be precluded by a public
innovation competition to crowd-source practical solutions to local challenges
around resilience-based development. Depending on the evaluation of the
experience, this could be a precursor to widening the scope of audience and establishing
at a later stage an ongoing innovation lab facility in cooperation with one or
several of Syria’s neighbour governments, similar to Kolba
Labs in Armenia.
5. Series of targeted consultations on questions related to resilience
in context of a sub-regional development forum for Syria
In the process of identifying innovative solutions for operationalizing
a resilience-based development approach, the Facility should draw on input from
a larger audience. UNDP/KICG’s experience with large scale consultations
targeted at a large pool of external experts and interest communities, such as
the Rio+20 Dialogues or the Post-2016 Consultations have the
potential to add significant value to the above process. The objective would be
to inform the operationalization process of the resilience-based approach with
substantive experiences, suggestions and prioritizations from selected actors
in the sub-region, including government planners, public service workers, host
and refugee communities, as well as selected civil society organizations and
private sector companies.
6. Creation of data visualizations and infographics, to use
as communication, advocacy and capacity building tool
Once the resilience-based approach has been operationalized in more
detail, the Facility’s dissemination and capacity building efforts will benefit
the use of simplified infographics and data visualizations for communication
purposes. This is particularly suitable for data-heavy research findings that
allow for clear conclusions, narratives and calls to action. This
visualizations can then be used in print, video or online knowledge and
communication products.
7. Conducting monthly webinars, to periodically inform UNDP
and UNDG stakeholders about the Facility’s ongoing work, outputs and results
While the focus of the Facility is on brokering and innovating,
there is still a natural need to disseminate results to at least the immediate
audiences the Facility is working with, such as UNDP and UNDG agencies. In order
to create visibility for the work of the Facility, to communicate results of
research, projects, events and initiatives, as well as to foster learning within
the Community of Practice, the Facility could host regular online webinars that
would serve as both learning and advocacy instrument.
8. Maintaining a regular blog about the Facility’s ongoing
work and results, to increase visibility and influence the general debate on
In order to influence the debate on Syria among stakeholders, and
ultimately influence decision making of development actors, the value of the
tool of blogging cannot be underestimated. Maintaining a regularly updated
public blog where different authors provide personal views and reflections
based on UNDG’s work can have a significant impact on framing the conversation
along the outputs, activities and objectives of the Facility. I order to do
this right, the Facility must be committed to publish at least two blog posts
per month. This can be reasonably achieved by rotating authors among the
facility’s substantive development experts.
9. Peer Assists, applied as needed to get input from peers
on internal tasks and challenges of the Facility
A Peer Assist is a KM methodology (see instructional video) that brings
together a group of peers (on site or online) to elicit feedback on a problem,
project, or activity, and draw lessons from the participants' knowledge and
experience. Peer Assists are useful when starting a new activity or project and
a team wants to benefit from the advice of more experienced colleagues, or
another group that has faced a similar situation in the past.
This methodology is targeted at the Facility internally to improve
its own work as a team. The Facility should map the planned projects for the
upcoming, determine which of the new projects and initiatives would benefit
from a formal Peer Assist, and then identify potential peer experts who could
be invited to participate. However, they can also be organized ad-hoc when
problems emerge that the team is not quite sure how to address.
10. After-Action Reviews, after key events or activities to
reflect on the ongoing work of the Facility and capture learning points
An After Action Review (AAR) is an internal
process used by a team to reflect on a recent activity or event to capture learning
points with the goal of improving future performance. The facilitator of an AAR
will ask the team three questions: “What was supposed to happen?”, “What
actually did happen?” and “What can we learn from it?” AARs can also be
employed in the course of a project to ‘learn while doing’. They should be
carried out with an open spirit and no intent to blame. The American Army, which
invented the methodology, used the phrase "leave your rank at the
door" to optimize learning in this process. The KM Specialist of the
Facility should constantly look out for opportunities to conduct AARs with the
team, which can be as brief as 15-30 min, even though AARs of up to 2 hours
might be suitable for reflecting on larger projects or events.
Below you can see an overview on how the different suggested KM action items will be rolled out in 2014.